Hanan Brand

VP, Head of Startup Division, Israel Innovation Authority, Israel

Hanan Brand is the Vice President of the Israel Innovation Authority and head of the Startup Division, which includes government backed programs to support early stage tech entrepreneurs and startups, venture incubators and regional innovation centers, as well as programs to develop and diversify the talent needed for the future growth of the Israeli tech and startup industry . Previously, Hanan worked for 15 years as an Venture Capitalist, investing in early stage companies, In his last position he was the General Partner of Cornerstone Venture Partner, and previosly investment manager at JVP and Ofer Brothers Group. He was also the co-founder and Chairman of non-profit MadeinJLM, the tech community of Jerusalem. He holds an MBA from the Technion, and a BA (with honors) in Business Management and Political Science from the Hebrew University.

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